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marți, 12 februarie 2008

The environment in which people lived in the early 1800s evidently caused the intake of quantities of arsenic that today we would consider dangerous," the scientists said.

One theory was that Napoleon was poisoned accidentally by arsenic vapor from dyes in his wallpaper at Saint Helena, but the study showed there was no massive increase in arsenic levels in his latter years.

"It is clear that one cannot talk about a case of poisoning, but of a constant absorption of arsenic," the researchers said.

Napoleon had been exiled once before -- on the Italian island of Elba after his failed invasion of Russia. But he returned to France and was finally defeated at Waterloo in 1815 after which he was sent to the much more remote Saint Helena.

I dugg it for digg.... I don't believe it and i'll tell you why! Napoleon's beste friend(in fact he was a traitor) was writting in his jurnal that Napoleon was planing to run away. :) Imagine what would have happened in France at the news. Second, from his hair, scientist found out that he was repetitively poisoned and not only with arsenium! :)

I've seen some o f this facts on discovery and some i've read! :)

DO you agree?!

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